About.me is an online service that lets you create within just few minutes a simple, clean and minimal (personal or professional) homepage for free. Having an about.me page will make it easier for people to find you. All you need is a nice picture of you. Take a look at my favourites:
http://about.me/igcutillas http://about.me/sara_colombo http://about.me/tpagakis http://about.me/ricardsierra http://about.me/johnbattelle http://about.me/anna.ratynska http://about.me/speechmarkstranslationDon’t miss this one here 🙂 http://about.me/evdoxia.renta
If you are the author of a book, the developer of a software program or the owner of any other intellectual work, you can protect you intellectual property rights by simply mailing your work to yourself via registered mail.
You should never open the envelope unless there is a dispute over the ownership of the work. In that case, the date on the envelope will prove that you are the legal owner!
At least this is recommended by several Greek attorneys and the National Library of Greece.