Dirty Little Secrets for Translators


PowerPoint counts full stops as words!

When it comes to counting words, in a PowerPoint presentation, several conversions have to be done. (See older post here.) Today, however, I discovered an SDL Help file which explains why counting the number of words in a .ppt/.pptx, gives you significantly different results depending on the word count tool you use.

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Generic CAT Tool discount scheme

I’ve been using CATCount since 2004 and I find it really easy to calculate my fuzzy matches each time. Below is a screenshot from my “Generic” scheme. Depending on your client’s needs you can customize your scheme and calculate the total word count as if it was only one number.

Regarding Reps and 100% matches, I always explain to my clients that I charge 10-20% for all translations that have not been produced or proofread by me. Some of them agree, because they know that their newly-created TM will be of high quality.Read more…


BITRA: Translation Bibliography Database


BITRA is an online translation bibliography database that contains over 58,000 entries (8,000 books, 23,000 chapters, 25,000 articles, 1,000 Ph.D. dissertations, 150 journals, etc.) and more than 24,000 abstracts (over 40% of the entries), about 60,000 citations and more than 2,000 tables of contents.

There are searchable versions in 15 languages: Arabic, Basque, Catalan, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, Galician, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.

BITRA is updated on a monthly basis and searching is completely free.

Access BITRA: http://aplicacionesua.cpd.ua.es/tra_int/usu/buscar.asp?idioma=en



Online bibliography of translations

old-booksThe Index Translationum is a list of books translated in the world, i.e. an international bibliography of translations. The Index Translationum was created in 1932. The database contains cumulative bibliographical information on books translated and published in about one hundred of the UNESCO Member States since 1979 and totals more than 2.000.000 entries in all disciplines: literature, social and human sciences, natural and exact sciences, art, history and so forth.

Access Translationum: http://www.unesco.org/xtrans/bsform.aspx


Convert numbers into words

puzzled-lookIf you’re having trouble converting decimal fractions, ordinal and cardinal numbers or currencies into words, this free converter will do the job for you.

Read more: http://www.easysurf.cc/cnvert18.htm