Tag: ebola


HELP fight Ebola, word after word

Ebola: A Crisis of Communications Over and over again, aid workers report that people do not have the knowledge they need to contain this deadly disease. In a major survey in Sierra Leone (late September) UNICEF found:

  • 30% believed Ebola was transmitted via mosquitos; 30% believed it was an airborne disease
  • 20% believed treatment by spiritual healers is effective
  • 42% believed hot salt water baths are an effective cure

Aid workers know kissing deceased loved ones is a major cause of the epidemic (the virus is most potent right before and right after death). And yet the ritual continues. They also know epidemics can be reduced if the practice of eating bats (a delicacy in West Africa) is reduced or eliminated. Yet this knowledge is not effectively passed on to those who need it.


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How translators can help stem the ebola crisis

TWBIgnorance about ebola can be as fatal as bodily contact with an infected person. The problem is that most information about how to prevent ebola is not available in the languages understood by the people at risk.

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/lxnzx4o

If you want to help, you can now join Translators Without Borders, a non-profit organization with a mission to increase access to knowledge through humanitarian translations. 

More info about TWB: www.translatorswithoutborders.org