Tag: grammar


About infinitives

The “rule” against splitting infinitives appeared in the 1800s, but it wasn’t initially put forth as a rule. See what was on Henry Alford’s mind when he advised against the construction.

Splitting infinitives is a grammar topic, but the “rule” you may have learned against splitting infinitives isn’t as hard-and-fast as you might imagine.

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Can I use “fishes”?

Of course you can, if you refer to:

  1. A scientist, who studies fish (ichthyologists), for example, often refer to different species as fishes.
  2. To the Bible, as Jesus fed thousands of people with loaves and fishes.
  3. The movie The Godfather popularized the saying that someone sleeps with the fishes to indicate that he or she has been killed by the mob and dumped in the water.
  4. A few different sayings that begin with If wishes were fishes.
