Category: Training


Free online education

FutureLearn is a private company wholly-owned by The Open University, with the benefit of over 40 years of  experience in distance learning and online education. It offers a diverse selection of courses from leading universities and cultural institutions from around the world.

The courses are delivered one step at a time, and are accessible on mobile, tablet and desktop.

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Study translation in the UK

According to the University League Tables 2016, the following 13 institutions offer translation courses across the UK.

University of Surrey

  • BA translation & French (sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  • BA translation & German (sandwich year, optional year abroad)
  • BA translation & Spanish (sandwich year, optional year abroad)

University of Hull

  • BA French with translation studies (year abroad)
  • BA German with translation studies (year abroad)
  • BA Spanish with translation studies (year abroad)
  • BA (hons) Italian with translation studies (year abroad)
  • BA (hons) Chinese studies with translation studies (year abroad)
  • BA (hons) two modern languages with translation studies (year abroad)

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Σεμινάρια Σ.Μ.Ε.Δ.

Ο Σύλλογος Μεταφραστών Επιμελητών Διορθωτών (ΣΜΕΔ) διοργανώνει δωρεάν σεμινάρια αυτομόρφωσης για νέους επαγγελματίες αλλά και φοιτητές. Τα σεμινάρια γίνονται την Κυριακή στις 7 μ.μ., στα γραφεία του ΣΜΕΔ (Μαυρικίου 8, Νεάπολη Εξαρχείων).

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Summer Course in Audiovisual Translation

This intensive course provides a theoretical framework for translators and researchers in the area of AVT as well as hands-on training with professional software and audiovisual material taken from different authentic contexts.

Module A: Subtitling (29 June – 7 July) – 12 hours – English into French, Italian, Spanish, Polish

Module B: Dubbing and Voiceover (8 – 16 July) – 12 hours – English into French, Italian, Spanish, Polish

Module C: Accessibility to the Media (17 – 24 July) – 12 hours – English only

For more information:



International Terminology Summer School 2015

The International Terminology Summer School (TSS) offers a one-week, practice-oriented training course covering a comprehensive overview of the methods and principles of terminology management. The course is taught by some of the most renowned and prominent terminology experts in the world. Participation in TSS qualifies to obtain the ECQA Certificate for Terminology Managers. The course was designed for language and terminology professionals, students and researchers who are looking for a practice-oriented, comprehensive, state-of-the-art introduction to terminology management theory and practice. No specific background or knowledge level is required to participate. However, the course is most beneficial to those who have at least minimum experience working with or on terminology.

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