Tag: sdl


How to use TMs from multiple languages in SDL Studio 2014

Have you ever tried to translate or open an SDL Studio 2014 project/package and your current TMs don’t match the ones defined in the project? For instance, have you ever tried to open a project and use an en-US TM with a project that uses en-GB TMs? Sounds like a problem.

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SDL Language Cloud

The first release of SDL Language Cloud has introduced some very nice capabilities that replace the SDL BeGlobal Community machine translation feature for SDL Trados Studio 2014. These features are:

  1. Free Machine Translation with 96 language pairs for up to 600,000 characters a month
  2. Paid Machine Translation as above but with some additional options
    – Use simple glossaries in the form of TBX files to ensure they are translated the way you wish
    – Extend your ability to have more than 600,000 characters a month
    – Use a trained Machine Translation engine for reduced post-editing effort with limited language pairs and currently only from English into something else (…continued)

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/kxg37by