Tag: translation tools


How to use TMs from multiple languages in SDL Studio 2014

Have you ever tried to translate or open an SDL Studio 2014 project/package and your current TMs don’t match the ones defined in the project? For instance, have you ever tried to open a project and use an en-US TM with a project that uses en-GB TMs? Sounds like a problem.

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Online multilingual hyphenator


Hyphenate it! is a very useful tool that helps you hyphenate any word in 40 languages.


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Content Translation tool

The Content Translation tool is particularly useful for multilingual editors who can create new articles from corresponding articles in another language. The tool features a minimal rich-text editor with translation tools like dictionaries and machine translation support.

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/l9sknlx


Unique language translation platform now available in North America

Atlas Real Time is a multilingual publishing system that eliminates the technical work required to create new language versions for websites. The innovative technology can automatically detect changes to any website and initiate translations. The result: websites can be available in new languages in a much shorter time.

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/pr9nnmp